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Are You Prepared For Change?

Change ManagementChange is constant and occurs whether we like it or not. Understanding its components on a personal level can help us translate that understanding to the organizational level; an important thing as organizational change typically affects many different areas of that organization. Maybe even more important is the effect that change has on the individuals within the organization, and the impact the change has on them. Sometimes I think that during organizational change so much attention is paid to the “hows” and “whys” of the organizational change, we forget that there are people at the heart of that change. I have seen firsthand how, even though there was “talk” about the importance of the people involved, the focus was actually more on the organizational outcomes than the effect the change would have on the individuals involved.

Influences on Change

Typically, causes of change can be split into two categories: Internal and External.

No organization is an island — external forces continuously influence and interact with its existence. Individuals and organizations may have very little ability to influence external factors such as politics, culture, economy, societal changes, or technology. It is important to understand that if the change is the result of an external factor, we must accept the change, and then modify any internal processes or items that are affected by the external influence.

Internal factors are numerous, as almost anything can influence change within an organization. Some of the more obvious ones are employees, policies, organization structure, managerial, and financial. Internal causes of change are the ones we have the most control over. This allows us to prepare for change using education, communication, training, and support. These tools will help mitigate any negative outcomes that may occur as a result of the change.

Common Reactions to Change

What are some of the reactions that we need to be aware of and to watch for during a Change Process?

Tools to Help the Change Process

There are ways of minimizing and mitigating challenges that come with Change Processes. Preparing for change is crucial and although not a guarantee of success, will increase the odds.  Here some tools that can help facilitate the change process and provide it the best chances for success.

These tools can help battle negative reactions when they occur. Change is a process — it is not easy and it can be fraught with dangers. Being as prepared as possible will not ensure a smooth transition but will increase the odds of one.


John Whitehead, coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

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