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Goals – Moving from SMART to GROW

The start of a new year often means New Year’s resolutions and goal setting. We start seeing a myriad of articles, posts, and podcasts on these subjects around this time of year and so not to be an outlier, here is my offering. But with a bit of a twist.

This past year I was struck with how many goals fall by the wayside, and not because we don’t care about them or that they were not important, but that they just fall away because there was no process in place to move them forward. We spend a lot of time developing SMART goals, but what’s the next step? This is where I believe the GROW model fits right in, and is the subject of this week’s Vlog post.

John K Whitehead & Associates coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence, and resiliency.

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