Self-confidence, like all Soft Skills can be improved. In fact, a few very simple tactics can help you quickly build your self-confidence. As you become more confident, you will find that you will have experiences that will build your confidence even more. “With realization of…
How can Self-confidence drive success?
In this, the seventeenth in my series of posts exploring soft skills, I want to focus on Self-confidence. How does Self-confidence drive success? One of the problems I have with this particular soft skill is that it can easily become or be viewed as arrogance. There is a fine line…
How Flexible Are You? The Soft Skill of Adaptability.
I read somewhere recently that Soft Skills have become today’s Hard Skills. This is something to think about as we move further into the information age and away from the industrial age. It’s not that we will do away with hard skills. Trades, factories, mining, the list goes on, will…
Keep Calm and… Attitude and Work Ethic
“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein You’ve most likely heard the phrase, “Hire for attitude; you can always train and test for skills.” Hard skills for any job can usually be tested. A simple example would be for typing skills –you can measure a…