There are several models and tools that an organization can use to establish if someone would be a good fit for their organization – how do they manage time, how do handle conflict and stress? This week’s video blog looks at one such model and why it so effective in…
How to Become a Great Leader…Maybe
Mark M-G on LinkedIn started an interesting discussion this sometime ago with this question: “The large numbers of articles on leadership on LinkedIn and elsewhere will not produce major improvements in leadership skills. They focus almost exclusively on WHAT behaviors to change to become a better leader, not HOW to…
Becoming Your Best Self
How can we progress from knowing what kind of person we want to be, to actually becoming that kind of person? I am asked that question a lot in my coaching practice. It comes from people’s perception that they are not satisfied with their current reality, and a need to…
How to Network 101 – Some Lessons learnt
With the pandemic behind us, many of you may be returning to networking events, to reconnect and make new connections. I have been doing just that and as I do I am reminded of a post I wrote in 2019. I thought I would reshare it wiith you as a…
SHORT – How to Be An Inclusive leader p.4
My 4th and final short on Inclusive Leadership