So, What Are These Things Called “Soft Skills”? Soft Skills’ is a catch-all term referring to various behaviors that help people work and socialize well with others. In short, they are the good manners and personality traits needed to get along with others and build positive relationships. To read…
De-bugging the Soft Skill of Problem-Solving
Was Problem-Solving on your list of soft skills? I can’t say that it was originally on mine. Why is that? I think that we tend to think of soft skills as “positive”. Soft skills are there to present an upbeat environment that everything is okay. It is an improvement mechanism.…
Hi-Tech: When Beanbag Chairs and Foosball Tables Aren’t Enough
I read a great post a week or so ago titled “Adaptability: The Key Leadership Trait in the Digital Transformation” by Daniel Newman. Reading it took me back to two blogs I wrote a couple of years ago in my series on Soft Skills development, specifically the ones on adaptability…
Fighting What You Control and What You Don’t Control
Over the past few weeks, in a significant number of discussions with a variety of people, the concept of “What do you control and what don’t you control” has surfaced. It’s a common challenge for many clients in their day-to-day activities. The battle is the same for business owners trying…