JKWhitehead & Associates

leadership developement

Are Soft Skills Learned or Inborn

Soft Skills: Nature or Nurture? Are you born with them or are they learned? It’s the old chicken and the egg argument, which comes first? A quick review of the discussion in the research reveals the consensus that we are born with these skills, but like any other, they can…

Stress, Your Leadership Style and Its Impact

Stress impacts everyone in one way or another.  Some people withdraw while others lash out in frustration and anxiety.  As a leader, every decision, action and behavior you make impacts your direct reports, your teams and your organization.  Unfortunately, during difficult times, you can’t just hide, waiting until things get…

Leadership Series Directory

This  series specifically explores what leadership is and how we can not only understand leadership, but implement it. Leadership series directory: Leadership is… Three Theories of Leadership Directing, Coaching, Supporting & Delegating Are What? Who Are K&P and What is TLC? Servant Leadership is…. Your Leadership Style and Its Impact…