I concluded my last post with a promise of some practical applications for use in Time and Personal Management. I also discussed Steven Covey’s concept that personal management is actually the fourth generation of time management. Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon and Shuster, 1989), describes…
Time (Personal) Management as a Soft Skill
“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” ~ Winston Churchill I believe the very first workshop I attended in my working life was one on time management. That workshop — in the late 70s in Winnipeg — was the start of a lifelong journey of learning. I attended…
The Soft Skill of Problem-Solving
Was Problem-Solving on your list of soft skills? I can’t say that it was originally on mine. Why is that? I think that we tend to think of soft skills as “positive”. Soft skills are there to present an upbeat environment that everything is okay. It is an improvement mechanism.…
Using Soft Skills as a Member of a Team
My last post on Team building was from the perspective of the builder, or leader of a team. However, you don’t have to be the leader to be an integral part of the team-building process. Being a member of a team provides its own opportunities for building and sustaining a team culture.…