JKWhitehead & Associates

The Leadership Challenge: A personal review

For 33 weeks I systematically did a personal deep dive into the work of Jim Kouzes and Barry Moore, The Leadership Challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. This wasFor 33 weeks I systematically did a personal deep dive into the work of Jim Kouzes and Barry Moore,…

The Leadership Challenge: We wrap it up

This week I wrap up my series on the Leadership Challenge. This has been my interpretation of Kouzes & Posner’s five leadership practices that make extraordinary things happen in organizations. I hope you have found some of the content interesting and helpful. If you have found this content helpful and…

Try It… It’s Worth It!

One of the keys to giving team members recognition is that you need to “know” them first. Understanding what they need in terms of recognition. If you have been following me for a while, you will know the importance of understanding the behaviour patterns of your team. Is that hard…