JKWhitehead & Associates

How Are You Enlisting Others in Your Vision?

Kouzes & Posner in their work “The Leadership Challenge” state that “Visions are images in the mind; they are impressions and representations.” As leaders we need to present our vision in ways that our direct reports and others can grasp it, to “draw on that very natural mental process of…

Do You have a Compelling Vision of Your Future?

And if you do, are you sharing that vision with others? Specifically, and in the context of leadership, with those of whom you lead? Following up to my last Vlog post where I asked the question “What is your Vision for your organization? Can you envision what the ideal and…

Are You in Your Job to Do Something, Or for Something To Do?

What is your Vision for your organization? Can you envision what the ideal and unique future is for your team? Try asking these questions of yourself: Are you in your job to do something of for something to do? What about your job is important to you, your team, your…

How Do You Inspire a Shared Vision?

What is your vision for your organization? – Do you know? Can you state it seamlessly and flawlessly? What can a “Vision” be? Well Kouzes and Posner give us this; “a vision is an ideal and unique image of the future for the common good”. To share that vision, we…

What Is Your Leadership Philosophy?

In this week’s Vlog post – What is your “leadership voice”? What you care about, what defines you and what makes you who you are? These are the questions Kouzes & Posner ask in The Leadership Challenge as it relates to your Leadership Philosophy. It begins, as I continually say,…