JKWhitehead & Associates


Fighting What You Control and What You Don’t Control

Over the past few weeks, in a significant number of discussions with a variety of people, the concept of “What do you control and what don’t you control” has surfaced. It’s a common challenge for many clients in their day-to-day activities. The battle is the same for business owners trying…

Change Begins With a Leadership Decision

Every change begins with a leadership decision. Making the decision to institute change is not always easy. Change can be precipitated by economics, market forces, the environment, or the need to just “mix it up a bit”, to create new energy. Being prepared with focused planning, and creating a solid…

Are You Prepared For Change?

Change is constant and occurs whether we like it or not. Understanding its components on a personal level can help us translate that understanding to the organizational level; an important thing as organizational change typically affects many different areas of that organization. Maybe even more important is the effect that…