JKWhitehead & Associates


My Reflections on Marshall Goldsmith’s “What Got You Here Won’t get You There”

Over the past almost six months I have recorded a series of vlog posts based on the work of Marshall Goldsmith and his Twenty Habits That Hold You Back from the Top which can be found in his amazing book, “What Got You Here Won’t get You There” published in…

Epilogue: The Twenty Habits Are Not Just for Leaders

My posts over the last 21 weeks have been an exploration, my interpretations of the “Twenty Habits That Hold You Back from The Top” found in Marshall Goldsmith’s amazing book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”. If you are a leader, at any level, in an organization I…

The Paradoxical Habit of Goal Obsession

Goal obsession is Marshall Goldsmith’s 21st habit that keep’s us from the top in his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You there. In my interpretation of this habit, I see it as a paradox, whereas we need to be planning, setting goals, but not at the expense of…

Habit #20 – An Excessive Need to Be “Me”

The excessive need to be me is exalting our faults as virtues simply because they’re who we are. Marshall Goldsmith in his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You Here calls this the “chronic behaviour, both positive and negative”. In my interpretation of this habit, I talk about how…

When the Buck Stops Here

Marshall Goldsmith in his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, calls Passing the Buck “one of those terrifying hybrid flaws” where you take “a healthy dose of needing to win and making excuses. Mix it with refusing to apologize and failing to give proper recognition. Sprinkle in…