Sasha Libolt, in a recent LinkedIn Pulse post asks the question, “How do you lead when your team is smarter than you?” This is a great question and one that can trip up a lot of managers. In her post Sasha provided three points: admit what you don’t know; know…
Criticism and the Ability to Learn
My guess is that not many people like to be criticized. Those who do have most likely learned that listening to criticism is a good way to learn. That doesn’t mean it is easy — our egos often get in the way. We tend to see criticism as…
How Do We Become Self-Aware
Last week I wrote about the Ability to Learn in the context of Soft Skills. My comments about self-awareness solicited a response from one of my readers – thanks Mark – for some powerful questions and your comments. This week I intended to continue my exploration of learning and of…
Soft Skills – Ability to Learn
I am a strong believer in continuous learning. If you have been following this blog for some time you will know that I am constantly looking for opportunities to learn. I often tell the story of the time I and some colleagues were in a management meeting when the topic…
Are Soft Skills Learned or Inborn?
This is the third in a series of posts exploring Soft Skills and why they are so important to your success in any endeavour. Soft Skills: Nature or Nuture? Are you born with them or are they learned? It’s the old chicken and the egg argument, which comes first? A…