JKWhitehead & Associates

Soft Skills

Keep Calm and… Attitude and Work Ethic

“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein You’ve most likely heard the phrase, “Hire for attitude; you can always train and test for skills.”  Hard skills for any job can usually be tested. A simple example would be for typing skills –you can measure a candidate’s keyboarding…

The Myth of Multitasking

My focus for this final post on the soft skill of personal management is on multitasking. Multitasking is exactly what it sounds like – trying to do more than one thing at a time. How many times have you heard a colleague proclaim that they are great multitaskers? Many of…

The Power of Flow: A Personal Management Soft Skill

Have you ever had those moments when you are involved in an activity and time just seems to have flown by? Maybe it was sitting at the piano, painting, a challenging chess match, or reading a really good book. Maybe you were playing a sport and everything was working—every pass…

Soft Skill Management of Time (Dr Who take note)

I concluded my last post with a promise of some practical applications for use in Time and Personal Management.  I also discussed Steven Covey’s concept that personal management is actually the fourth generation of time management. Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Simon and Shuster, 1989), describes…

Time (Personal) Management as a Soft Skill

 “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” ~ Winston Churchill I believe the very first workshop I attended in my working life was one on time management. That workshop — in the late 70s in Winnipeg — was the start of a lifelong journey of learning. I attended…