JKWhitehead & Associates


Do You have a Compelling Vision of Your Future?

And if you do, are you sharing that vision with others? Specifically, and in the context of leadership, with those of whom you lead? Following up to my last Vlog post where I asked the question “What is your Vision for your organization? Can you envision what the ideal and…

Why Do You Need An Accountability Partner?

Why Do You Need An Accountability Partner – Not just for COVID 19, but at anytime? I discuss how having an accountability partner can help us with our day to day, week to week activities – keep us on track. Maybe more important so as we are faced with “stay…

Leadership Vlog Post 191017 – Why Soft Skills?

Having the technical skills and knowledge to successfully execute our job duties is only one part of being the best we can be in the workplace. In addition to these “hard” skills, we also need “soft” skills. As I stated above, Soft Skills are those skills that allow us to…

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: The when’s & how’s

This week I discuss how and when we communicate with our direct reports and others. Keeping open communication and letting others know you are accessible is one of the keys to being a good leader. So, what are some of the things we can do to make this happen? John…