JKWhitehead & Associates

Leadership Development

Are Soft Skills Learned or Inborn

Soft Skills: Nature or Nurture? Are you born with them or are they learned? It’s the old chicken and the egg argument, which comes first? A quick review of the discussion in the research reveals the consensus that we are born with these skills, but like any other, they can…

Did I Hear What You said Correctly?

In his book Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, James Flaherty (2010) stated that “language forms the basis for observation and it is, in fact, not possible to make any observation outside language” (p. 25). So how is language defined in this context? Flaherty’s contention is that “language is an orientation…

What is Building Trust in Coaching

I view trust as a two-way street, but it is my responsibility to establish trust first. I also take the position that I will trust another until such time as they demonstrate that they are not to be trusted, that “I’m Ok and you’re Ok”. Trust is contagious—if I act…