Kouzes and Posner stated in their book, The Leadership Challenge (Jossey Bass, 2012), that “Engineers have computers; painters, canvas; musicians, instruments. Leaders have only themselves. The instrument of leadership is the self, and the mastery of the art of leadership comes from mastery of the self. Leadership is self-development… And…
Leadership is… Creating Inclusive, Safe Spaces
I listened to a story this weekend of a Baptist pastor in Pennsylvania at the beginning of the last century who preached what she called “extravagant grace”. Extravagant grace to her was the concept that all were welcome into the space of worship. There were no “outsiders”. Race, economic status,…
Leadership is… Building Leaders
In November 2014 I wrote blogs on leadership and followership. I asked the question, what are leaders without followers? As I re-read both posts this week, I realized that they still hold true and still resonate with me. However over the past several months I have discovered yet another aspect…
Believe in yourself
I just bought Kouzes’ & Posner’s latest book, Learning Leadership (Wiley). I have written in this space previously that they, along with other leadership experts, tell us that leadership is something that can be learned, that we are all born with the ability to lead and that we are already…
Leadership at Its Core
As I continue to reflect on the topic of Leadership I am drawn again to the idea of what Leadership is at its core and how this relates to any and all of us. There is a misconception that to be a leader you need a title such as manager,…