JKWhitehead & Associates


Subtitles, eBook plus… why?

This week’s vlog “Subtitles, eBook plus… why I do this blog/vlog”, introduces using subtitles (actually surtitles in this case). I also have finally finished my ebook based on a series of blogs I did on Soft Skills over a 24-week period. You can learn how to get a free copy…

Are You Enabling Employees to Depend on You?

One of the most frequently complaints I hear from leaders is that about time management – they never seem to find time to get stuff done. In my coaching with them, I often learn that they are spending a lot of time responding to employees coming into their offices asking…

COVID 19 – Operating in the Neutral Zone

What does it mean to be in the Neutral Zone (Bridges, 1991). Bridges talks about how when we move from the “old” to the “new” we must travel through the “neutral zone”. This time can be a difficult time and a creative time, it is “a time when a necessary…