On Being a Continuous Learner – In this weeks video blog I talk about the importance of continuous learning. Being open to new ideas, thoughts learnings. What I mean by being a Learner Practitioner… _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their…
Wining and [Losing] Learning!
Wining and Losing Learning! This is my 155th blog post. I was going to celebrate my 150th and write about that, but somehow it slipped by me. It’s also my birthday as I write this. It’s not a milestone birthday this year, but every birthday is a reminder…
Judging a Book by its Cover
Guess what? We do judge a book by its cover. It is our natural first instinct and its imbedded deep within our basic, reptilian brain. It’s that “Fight or Flight” mechanism that allowed our ancient ancestors to survive the world they lived in. Our more modern day selves though, have…
Lessons Learnt
In my previous post I recounted how I learned some important lessons from my personal search into leadership. I talked about how a number of years ago, I had become the “golden boy” within my organization. Everything was working for me, the region I was managing was the number one…