In my coaching practice I frequently work with clients who, for whatever reason, are chasing their time, schedule, employees or staff, events, projects, you name it… Whatever “IT” may be, it is a distraction and almost every time we drill down on the “challenge”, there is a big component that…
SHORT – How to Be An Inclusive leader p.4
My 4th and final short on Inclusive Leadership
Short – It’s All About Self-Awareness
In my role as a coach its first about understanding oneself. How can you lead others if you can’t lead yourself first?
How Not to Make Assumptions
Short – How you can prevent making assumptions – an easy question to ask. John K Whitehead & Associates coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence, and resiliency. You can read my blog at If you have enjoyed reading…
How to Build Your EQ using Social Styles
The primary tool I use in my work as an Executive/leadership Coach is Social Styles by Tracom. This behaviour and communications model is easily understood and accessible by everyone in every type of organization. One of the things have realized over the many years of both using and teaching this…