Soft Skills: Nature or Nurture? Are you born with them or are they learned? It’s the old chicken and the egg argument, which comes first? A quick review of the discussion in the research reveals the consensus that we are born with these skills, but like any other, they can…
Short – Why Soft Skills? How do leaders in organizations view the importance of Soft Skills?
Why Soft Skills? How do leaders in organizations view the importance of Soft Skills?
What are Soft Skills?
What are Soft Skills? Soft skills are those things which help us interact with others much easier. “Soft” because it’s to compare them against “hard” skills or technical skills. In this week’s Vlog post I talk about what Soft Skills mean to me…. from a previously posted vlog post…
Interview with Tammy Dunnett for the Leadership Communications Expo
This week’s Vlog post is an interview I did a few weeks ago for the Leadership Communications Expo hosted by Tammy Dunnett. It was my privilege to be one of many communication experts and gurus speaking on communications from the leadership perspective. It’s a bit longer than my usual vlog…
Why Soft Skills part II
This is a reposting of a vlog post I produced in the fall of 2019, and is part two of last week’s post. The IBM Institute for Business Value recently surveyed approximately 5,670 executives across 48 countries to learn more about the skills needed to execute business strategies. The top…