“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” ~ Winston Churchill I believe the very first workshop I attended in my working life was one on time management. That workshop — in the late 70s in Winnipeg — was the start of a lifelong journey of learning. I attended…
How Does Self-confidence Drive Success?
March 2017: Last year I completed a blog series on Soft Skills development. The series generated a lot of attention and over the past several months I have had several organizations contacting me to ask permission to either use or republish for their internal use. I have also had requests…
Leadership is…Reflecting on Self-Awareness
Kouzes and Posner stated in their book, The Leadership Challenge (Jossey Bass, 2012), that “Engineers have computers; painters, canvas; musicians, instruments. Leaders have only themselves. The instrument of leadership is the self, and the mastery of the art of leadership comes from mastery of the self. Leadership is self-development… And…
Trust – is it a Soft Skill or …?
As I completed my series on Soft Skills, a commenter asked me about the place of Trust, since I had not listed it as a specific Soft Skill. I’m not sure about this. The question of Trust seems to be relevant or applicable in a number of different areas, and…
Soft Skills – Conclusion
Over the past twenty three weeks I have written a series of posts on Soft Skills: their development, the competencies they represent and the importance soft skills have in the workplace (or life in general, for that matter). I still like the following definition of Soft Skills because it is…