JKWhitehead & Associates

Soft Skills

Why Soft Skills

Watch a replay from one of my blogs form October 2019 – This is still really relevant and important for those seeking leadership roles as well as for  emerging and senior leaders looking to improve thier leadership skills John K Whitehead & Associates coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more…

When the Buck Stops Here

Marshall Goldsmith in his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, calls Passing the Buck “one of those terrifying hybrid flaws” where you take “a healthy dose of needing to win and making excuses. Mix it with refusing to apologize and failing to give proper recognition. Sprinkle in…

Are You Listening?

Not Listening is Marshall Goldsmith’s 16th habit in his book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and of the 20 Habits That Keep You from the Top. Marshall comments that this is the most passive aggressive for of disrespect for colleagues.  In this week’s Vlog post I not…

Are you Playing Favorites in the Workplace?

Playing favorites is failing to see that we are treating someone differently, maybe even unfairly The question isn’t “do we play favorites – like some people over others, treat some people differently than others”?  As humans we do tend to do that – the question should be “are we aware…

Clinging to The Past: Leadership requires moving forward

Marshall Goldsmith in his book What Got You Here Won’t get You There talks about clinging to the past as one of the things that will keep you from the top. Marshall talks about this as being a way to deflect blame away from ourselves and onto events and people…