JKWhitehead & Associates

Personal development

Sell Sell Sell

No matter what business you are in, what service you provide, you have to sell yourself…. I reflect on how my sales background has helped me get where I am today and the importance of acquiring sales experience and expertise…   John Whitehead, coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more…

Being Clear About Your Expectations

In this weeks blog post I explore clarity and being clear about your expectations using an example of a recent coaching experience. _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency. *******Are you wondering if having a…

Soft Skills – The Platinum Rule

This weeks blog discusses and introduces the Platinum Rule. How being aware of others styles and speaking to them improves how we communicate, reduces tension and conflict. _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency. *******Are…

Soft Skills – How Do We Communicate?

Interpersonal communications – In this weeks blog I talk about how interpersonal communications almost always floats to the surface in my coaching work with leaders. _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency. *******Are you wondering…

What is it you Control?

What is it that you control, what is it you don’t control? In this weeks video blog post I explore what it is you can or can’t control and what you do about it? _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their…