JKWhitehead & Associates


How Do Values and Mission Fit With Quiet Quitting DEI & Psychological Safety?

Continuing the conversation about Quiet Quitting, DEI and Psychological Safety and ask how are your decisions as a leader aligned with your stated mission? Do you have a mission statement for yourself and/or your team? What about your and/or your team’s values? All the above areas of Quiet Quitting, DEI…

Expectations & Intentions: Why spending more time on WHY is important

For those of you who are familiar with Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” and “WHY” video https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en you will know where I am going with this. In this week’s video I equate Sinek’s WHY to leaders who spend way too much time on Expectations vs. Intentions… #Leadership, #Leadershipdevelopment, #leadershipcoaching John K…

What are Soft Skills?

  What are Soft Skills? Soft skills are those things which help us interact with others much easier. “Soft” because it’s to compare them against “hard” skills or technical skills.  In this week’s Vlog post I talk about what Soft Skills mean to me…. from a previously posted vlog post…

What is an Inclusive Leader?

What does it mean to be an inclusive leader and what does that look like? What is an inclusive organization? In this week’s Vlog post I look at what these might be and explore the continuum created by Jennifer Brown in her book “How to Be An Inclusive Leader” and…

Confronting Our Biases as leaders

Where is your thinking around diversity, equity, inclusion? What does it mean to you? If I was to ask you, what does it mean to be an inclusive leader, what would you say? This week’s vlog is a continuation from last week on personal learning and growth as I question…