My guess is that not many people like to be criticized. Those who do have most likely learned that listening to criticism is a good way to learn. That doesn’t mean it is easy — our egos often get in the way. We tend to see criticism as a personal…
How Do We Become Self-Aware?
Last week I wrote about the Ability to Learn in the context of Soft Skills. My comments about self-awareness solicited a response from one of my readers – thanks Mark (see his comments below) – for some powerful questions and your comments. This week I intended to continue my exploration…
Soft Skills – Ability to Learn
I am a strong believer in continuous learning. If you have been following this blog for some time you will know that I am constantly looking for opportunities to learn. I often tell the story of the time I and some colleagues were in a management meeting when the topic…
How can Self-confidence drive success?
In this, the seventeenth in my series of posts exploring soft skills, I want to focus on Self-confidence. How does Self-confidence drive success? One of the problems I have with this particular soft skill is that it can easily become or be viewed as arrogance. There is a fine line…
How Flexible Are You? The Soft Skill of Adaptability. Part II
This is Part Two of last week’s blog on Adaptability and Flexibility. As I stated last week, these are two skills are coming to the forefront of Soft Skills development. How one adapts to change and remains flexible in one’s approach to it is critical to success in today’s world.…