Vince Lombardi, the well known and loved US football coach, is known, among other things, for his famous speech, “What It Takes to Be Number 1”. In a nutshell his central message is commitment; that to be a success in anything is to be committed to it 100%. One of…
Setting Targets for the New Year?
It’s that time of year when we start to take a look ahead at what we want to achieve in the coming New Year and at the same time reflect on how far we have come since this time last year. It is fascinating to read the posts that start…
Listening – Leadership’s Common Denominator
It’s Friday afternoon and I’m just now sitting down to write my weekly blog post. The trouble with getting busy is that it starts to impact my regular schedule. I’m not complaining; this is a good problem to have (especially when it’s a “being paid” busy)! I just completed two…
Our actions are a reflection of who we are.
Over the past week, two clients have asked me why people act the way they do and why some people are jerks. This was, of course, the perspective of those clients. As a coach I can ask them why they think these people are acting the way they are and…
Trust – is it a Soft Skill or …?
As I completed my series on Soft Skills, a commenter asked me about the place of Trust, since I had not listed it as a specific Soft Skill. I’m not sure about this. The question of Trust seems to be relevant or applicable in a number of different areas, and…