“Soft Skills, or the ability to manage soft issues, is a challenge for modern leaders to master” Aly Moreno I received a comment from one of my most reliable blog post followers shortly after I started publishing this material in my blog. He stated, “…Soft Skills or the ability to…
Are Soft Skills Learned or Inborn?
Soft Skills: Nature or Nurture? Are you born with them or are they learned? It’s the old chicken and the egg argument, which comes first? A quick review of the discussion in the research reveals the consensus that we are born with these skills, but like any other, they…
Do you have the Soft Skills Required to be Successful?
Why is it that soft skills seem to have become the newest and latest “big” thing? Weren’t they always important and necessary? However, I’m noticing more and more articles and posts focused on the need to increase soft skill training and development, which in turn suggests at least the perception…
The Little Things That Build Credibility
The Little Things That Build Credibility Building on my recent video blog post about Trust and Credibility (https://johnkwhitehead.ca/getting-to-trust/), in this weeks edition I tell the story of an interaction I observed with one of my clients and one of his direct reports. Sometimes it is just the little things that…
Putting “What You Control” into Context
In this week’s video blog post I describe how a medical issue I have been dealing with provides me with some thinking on the ongoing conversation I have been having on “What We Can Control and What We Can’t Control”. Often in my work as an Executive Coach, the leadership…