JKWhitehead & Associates

Soft Skills

Keep Calm and… Attitude and Work Ethic

“Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein   You’ve most likely heard the phrase, “Hire for attitude; you can always train and test for skills.”  Hard skills for any job can usually be tested. A simple example would be for typing skills –you can measure a candidate’s…

Is Professionalism a Soft Skill?

“Soft Skills, or the ability to manage soft issues, is a challenge for modern leaders to master” Aly Moreno I received a comment from one of my most reliable blog post followers shortly after I started publishing this material in my blog. He stated, “…Soft Skills or the ability to…

Do you have the Soft Skills Required to be Successful?

Why is it that soft skills seem to have become the newest and latest “big” thing? Weren’t they always important and necessary? However, I’m noticing more and more articles and posts focused on the need to increase soft skill training and development, which in turn suggests at least the perception…

What Does It Mean To Really Listen

In my upcoming book (hopefully to be available this fall) I explore the importance of Soft Skills development.  Two of these skills are verbal and non-verbal communications: its nature of being a “two way street,” the need for both a sender and a receiver in order for the communication to…

Using FeedForward to get Unique Perspectives

FeedForward is an exercise and concept from Marshall Goldsmith, one of the world’s top executive coaches.  FeedForward is based on the premise that we can’t do anything about the past, it’s done. What we can focus on is the future. It is a different way of looking at performance reviews…