JKWhitehead & Associates

Executive Coaching

Is communication the most important soft skill?

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” Peter Drucker   Is communication the most important soft skill? I believe it is, and it is why the focus of my practice is on interpersonal communications. I have found that even if a client’s initial interest is in…

The Little Things That Build Credibility

The Little Things That Build Credibility Building on my recent video blog post about Trust and Credibility (https://johnkwhitehead.ca/getting-to-trust/), in this weeks edition I tell the story of an interaction I observed with one of my clients and one of his direct reports. Sometimes it is just the little things that…

Bringing the Right Attitude:

What does it mean to bring the right attitude to work? What is the impact, positive or negative? In this week’s video blog post I talk about an example that came up in a leadership workshop I was conducting this past week with a colleague.   _____________________________________________________________________________________ John Whitehead, coaches…

Getting to “Trust”

  In this week’s video blog post I think about the whole are of “trust” – how do we get there? Kouzes and Posner in their work “The Leadership Challenge” observed how their Characteristics of Admired Leaders aligned with the work on source credibility by Berlo, Lemert & Mertz (1969). …

What is Your “WHY”

  Simon Sinek’s great video presentation has resonated for me for several years. Most people have watched, if you haven’t I would recommend you take some time to do so at: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action In this week’s video I explore the question that Simon brings forth for me and what it could…