JKWhitehead & Associates


What Does It Mean To Really Listen

In my upcoming book (hopefully to be available this fall) I explore the importance of Soft Skills development.  Two of these skills are verbal and non-verbal communications: its nature of being a “two way street,” the need for both a sender and a receiver in order for the communication to be anything other than mere noise. Some have suggested that listening is more important than talking for effective communication. You’ve probably heard the old adage, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak”. The symbolism is obvious.

In this week’s video blog post I talk about my personal experience with finally getting the importance of actually listening.


Listening is more than just hearing the words someone speaks. It is a total way of receiving verbal and nonverbal messages, processing them, and communicating that understanding back to the speaker. Many of us listen in order to respond – we are formulating our next message while the other is still talking. We should instead listen to understand – to fully take in, process, and comprehend the message that is being sent. We communicate from our own perspective, the reality in which we live, our understanding of our own world. So ask questions to clarify the speaker’s meaning. Reframe what they have said in your own words, to see if you get agreement on their intended message. By doing this you learn to seek their perspective and reality, rather than defaulting to your own.

Using FeedForward to get Unique Perspectives

FeedForward is an exercise and concept from Marshall Goldsmith, one of the world’s top executive coaches.  FeedForward is based on the premise that we can’t do anything about the past, it’s done. What we can focus on is the future. It is a different way of looking at performance reviews as well.

In this week’s video blog I talk about an experience I had facilitating the FeedForward exercise at a workshop I recently did and the insights that it provided for the participants. I also talk about doing this exercise with my students at UBCO.

You can find more information on the FeedForward exercise by visiting Marshall’s website: http://www.marshallgoldsmithfeedforward.com/html/Articles.htm

If you would like to learn more about my experiences, or you would like me to present at an upcoming event you are having, contact me.

How Do You Deal With Procrastination?

How Do You Deal With Procrastination?

In this week’s video blog post I talk about my experience this past week where I facilitated a workshop on Goal Setting and Time Management for a non-profit organization. This is a fairly large non-profit with 24 managers attending the one day workshop.

As we got into the workshop one area that popped as being significant was procrastination – how to deal with it. In this video I talk about a tool that you can use to work with one of the causes of procrastination – being overwhelmed.

If you are interested in workshops like this for your organization – feel free to reach out to me using the links below and in the comment section. I will be happy to customize any workshop to fit your needs, size of group, industry etc….





John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/


Your Vision & How to Find It

This week’s video blog post speaks to Vision. As a leader what is your vision for your organization? Do you share that vision with your team?

Kouzes & Posner describe vision as “An ideal and unique image of the future for the common good” (the Leadership Challenge, 2017) with the emphasis on Ideal, Unique image, future & common good.

Visions are about hopes, dreams and aspirations, our ideals. Unique – visions are about the extraordinary, not the ordinary. In image we remember our past and project our future in mental pictures. A vision is described as an exciting possibility that we desire in the future. If it were about today, it wouldn’t be a vision. Finally visions are about developing a shared sense of destiny, for the common good. Visions aren’t about whet the leader wants. They are about what we want.

(From the Leadership Challenge workbook (4th edition), Kouzes & Posner, Pfeiffer).


John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/


What Do Young Adults See As Characteristics of Admired Leaders?

In this week’s video blog post I reflect on the reaction that my 4th year faculty of management university students had to a questionnaire on the Characteristics of Admired Leaders (Kouzes & Posner, 2014).

In their leadership book, The Leadership Challenge (Wiley, 2017), Kouzes and Posner describe what people look for and admire in their leaders. I did I similar survey with students in my leadership class at UBCO and found some interesting and significant differences. What impact does this have for you as a leader in an organization hiring young adults out of university?  Some insights…..


John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/