JKWhitehead & Associates


COVID & Social Distancing

COVID 19 – Social Distancing NO – Personal/Physical Distancing Yes! There is a difference and it’s an important one. I explain why in this weeks vlog post



My second post on the COVID crKeep Calm Controlisis – you can see my first at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqB6WF5EQTQ&feature=emb_title


Visit the rest of my blogs at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/

You can stay up to date on the COVID virus at: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/canadas-reponse.html?topic=tilelink



COVID-19 from a Leadership Perspective

A look at the current COVID crisis from a leadership perspective – its about values


If you wold like to learn more, please reach out to me and visit my LinkedIn Page https://www.linkedin.com/in/johwhi/

and my website at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/ – sign up for updates….

What are your Core Values?

Do you know what your core values are?

Kouzes and Posner define values as “moral judgments”, responses to others, and commitments to personal and organizational goals that: Help us determine what to do and what not to do. Influence every aspect of our lives. Set the parameters for our decisions we make every day”. We can commit and demonstrate our values by: Scheduling actions for modeling our values into our week. Set aside time in meetings to recognize people who are demonstrating a value. Ask people for feedback by asking, are we behaving consistently with our words. We can weekly or monthly do a quick values performance review at the end of performance meetings.



Article on Soft Skills published in SEAT Magazine

Excited to have one of my articles published in SEAT magazine, the publication of the Association of Luxury Suite Directors. I will be presenting at their conference this summer in Fort Worth TX.

Possessing the technical skills required to execute job duties is only one part of being our best self in the workplace. Effective soft skills must also be deployed to generate more efficient production as well as greater overall job satisfaction. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Soft Skills



To learn more about my presentation this summer and how I can present at your event contact me at [email protected] or go to www.johnkwhitehead.ca