JKWhitehead & Associates


Bringing the Right Attitude:

What does it mean to bring the right attitude to work? What is the impact, positive or negative? In this week’s video blog post I talk about an example that came up in a leadership workshop I was conducting this past week with a colleague.



John Whitehead, coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/



John Whitehead, coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/

Getting to “Trust”



In this week’s video blog post I think about the whole are of “trust” – how do we get there? Kouzes and Posner in their work “The Leadership Challenge” observed how their Characteristics of Admired Leaders aligned with the work on source credibility by Berlo, Lemert & Mertz (1969).  K & P’s top four characteristics of admired leaders are: Honest, Forward-looking, Competent & Inspiring. The work on source credibly found that a source of information is found credible when that source is found to be trustworthy, demonstrate expertise and be dynamic. Honest lines up with trust, expertise lines up with competence and dynamic lines up with inspiring….


So…. Is trust just being an outcome of credibility? If you are seen as credible, does that allow for trust to occur. Because it seems to me that trust for trust sake may not be enough? If you are having challenges of trust – what is lacking? Is it really about trust or is something else – credibility maybe? And if so what part of credibility… maybe its expertise or lack of inspiration?

What do you think?



John Whitehead coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/


Putting “What You Control” into Context

In this week’s video blog post I describe how a medical issue I have been dealing with provides me with some thinking on the ongoing conversation I have been having on “What We Can Control and What We Can’t Control”.  Often in my work as an Executive Coach, the leadership concepts I talk about with my clients isn’t just for their career and work life, but also impacts their personal lives.


Stress: Becoming Aware


This week’s video blog focuses on stress, not so much how we handle it, but that stress is something that can be good or bad. I use the Social Style model by Tracom as my starting point and refer viewers to previous posts at:







Each of the four styles above have a unique way of handling stress, autocratic, avoidance, acquiesce and attack.

I also refer to another great blog post by John Parrot at: https://relaxlikeaboss.com/stress-management-guide/  well worth the read.

Note: – not sure what happened with the audio out of sync at the end of this post, I couldn’t seem to fix it so I think something happened as I recorded it on my mobile.

What is Your “WHY”


Simon Sinek’s great video presentation has resonated for me for several years. Most people have watched, if you haven’t I would recommend you take some time to do so at: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action

In this week’s video I explore the question that Simon brings forth for me and what it could mean for you… As always, I encourage your comments in the comments section.



John Whitehead, coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence and resiliency.

*******Are you wondering if having a Leadership/Personal Development Coach is right for you? Contact John for a complimentary, exploratory coaching session at [email protected]********

If you would like to get notifications for when I post, please go to my blog site and register. I promise I will not spam or use your email address for anything else. You can visit and register for my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca/blog-2/