JKWhitehead & Associates

Danger – Showing People We’re Smarter Than We Are

Danger – Showing People We’re Smarter Than We Are

Have You ever been in one of those conversations where the other person keeps playing “one-upmanship”, you know, they keep adding to the conversation additional information just to prove they know what they are talking about – trying to show how smart that are? Marshall Goldsmith lists this as the sixth Habit That keep You From The Top in his book, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”, which is the need to show people we’re smarter than they think we are. This may even be you! How can you tell? What can you do about it? In this weeks Vlog post I explore how you might identify and manage this particular habit.


John K Whitehead & Associates coaches individuals and organizations in becoming more effective by helping them improve their interpersonal communications, emotional intelligence, and resiliency.

You can read my blog at https://johnkwhitehead.ca

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